5 tips for cleaning and maintaining your gutters

Gouttières Impec

Section blogue Jan. 29 2023

Maintaining your gutters is essential. If you don't do it, you expose yourself to waterproofing and humidity problems. Because gutters are often placed high up, we inexorably put off cleaning them. We quickly imagine that their maintenance is reserved for professionals. However, gutter maintenance is not that difficult and can be done by anyone!

Here are our tips for cleaning your gutters efficiently and safely.

Securing access to gutters

Gutters are mostly located on high ground. To clean and maintain them, you need to access them safely. There are several solutions for this. If you want to work on the gutters, the best option is to install a scaffold, but the most common method is to use a ladder. The ladder should be positioned so that you can lean over the gutter. Make sure you have a tool holder and a stabilizer to reduce the risk of falling.

Have the right tools

Now that you have secured access to your gutters, make sure you have the right tools to clean them. You'll need gloves, a hose, one or more buckets, containers for green waste and other types of waste, a scrub brush and a pair of pliers with handles. Depending on the type of installation, you will also need a telescopic extension cord.

If you have a high-pressure cleaner, you can use it to clean your gutters. Its powerful jet will save you time, especially for removing dead leaves and other natural deposits in your gutters.

Cleaning gutters

Cleaning your gutters involves several steps. First, you must remove all the waste you find such as leaves or branches. You must clear the open gutters as well as the closed gutters with your tools. Complete this cleaning with a water jet.

This step is essential because it will help to evacuate the small waste and allow to check the drainage. The water must circulate and be evacuated without difficulty. Gutters should be cleaned once or twice a year. It is important to check in the fall, when dead leaves invade the garden and of course the gutters.

You can install a few systems to protect your gutters, especially from dead leaves. Mesh systems can be installed on your gutters, at roof level, to limit the deposit of dead leaves.

Inspect and repair

Once your gutters are cleaned, you can inspect them. If water stagnates during cleaning, your gutter's fasteners are damaged. You should also look for and note any holes or cracks, defective or broken hooks and damaged joints. If you have the skills to repair your gutters, it's up to you! You can use sealants such as putty to repair joints, cracks or small holes.

If not, call in a professional. The repairs are then guaranteed and up to standards.

Minimize the risks

Don't intervene in case of heavy rain, storm or heat wave. If there are electrical wires near your gutters, make sure they won't interfere with your cleaning. Also make sure that your ladder is well secured, wear gloves adapted to the task and if you are working at a height of more than 6 meters, be aware that wearing a harness is mandatory.

Gouttières Impec est fier d'installer ce qu'il se fait de mieux sur le marché de la gouttière avec la gamme de produits Alu-Rex.

En plus d'agir comme protège-gouttières pour un système de gestion des eaux pluviales en place, ils augmentent la durabilité et la résistance d'une nouvelle gouttière.

La gamme Alu-Rex se divise en deux groupes de produits : les parefeuilles, qui se posent par-dessus le système de fixation, et les crochets continus, qui constituent un support en continu pour les gouttières en plus d'agir comme grillages à feuilles et à débris.